
Friday, March 5, 2010


10 minutes to go and I'm off for another weekend! But I just have to blog about this before I swipe my ass and leave the office.


Every year during CNY season my face will have all sorts of troubles. Oily, blemishes and pimples! It's just so heartbreaking to stare in the mirror and find so many flaws on your "used-to-be-baby-ass-smooth-face" T_______T

I can't stand any longer looking at my face invaded with alien blemishes! I rescheduled my facial appointment from this TONIGHT!!!! After this I'm off home for a quick instant noodle for dinner and I'm gonna jet to Adonis for facial! I don't care what machine they want to use, JUST GET RID OF THOSE ALIEN....OFF MY FACE!!!!!!!!

5 more minutes to go til 6pm! Counting down...!

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