A quote by the character Juliet Sharp in Gossip Girl. I didn't know why I would watch this kind of chick flick at the first place =_= It talks about the complicated lives of a bunch of rich spoiled brats with gossips and backstabbing flying around. Like as though my life is not complicated enough ~_____~ But that line really struck me when I heard it in the telly.
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either. Yes, my parents paid for my college fee and bought me stuff that I wanted back in school days but I was never over loaded with material possessions. After I came out to the working world earning my own living, my parents completely stopped financing me. Whatever that I desire, I work my ass off to earn it.
Therefore it does set fire in my eyes when I see brats in their 20s capable of earning their own living, still burns their parents money. But what add more gasoline in the already blazing fire in my eyes are the parents just let them be. Well I guess they have the money for them to burn. But does it ever cross their mind that they won't be around forever? Sooner or later they will finish up all the money left behind. They can't possibly expect the kids to dig them out from the grave and ask for money. Right? *raise eyebrows*
Life is unfair, but I get it. That's what makes the world go round, nothing is fair. Some people can have all the expensive stuff and travel around the world without moving an inch of his/her ass. While some people need to work 2-3 jobs just to save up money to pay bills.
Well, it's nice to have a rich daddy. But it's even nicer to have your own achievement. Earn something with your own capability instead of relying on your folks like a useless leech. I believe no matter how unfair life can gets, somehow God look after each and every one of us in regardless of our background and financial status. Because rich kids can have all the expensive things in the world, but they will never ever own one thing that can't be bought with all the money their daddy has. It's called SELF DIGNITY.
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